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[Photography] Adrian Ray sublime le cheval ombragé

Ambiance ombrageuse sous la lumière des projecteurs. Un shooting signé Adrian Ray.

Entre crinière ciselée et ombre sculptante, ce joli travail a été commandité par l’agence graphique Wash Design au profit de la marque de matériel équestre D’Montt.

[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily
[Equestrian Photography] Adrian Ray - Horses in the sky | Pégase Daily

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